About our company

PT. Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi

Company Profile

PT. Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi is a local company engaged in certification services established in October 2016 located in a commercial business area in the Tangerang area.
In order to provide security from inappropriate use and to protect the public from the distribution of products that do not meet the requirements for quality, safety and usefulness, it is necessary to assess compliance with conformity standards. This is what motivates us, Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi, to come together to support government regulations, industry partners and also consumer protection.
In order to provide security is a group of personnel who have been established in the field of auditing and certification of management systems and products. Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi also has good relationships with government agencies, local and international partners who support the regulations set by the Government.


Become a Certification Body that is recognized both in Indonesia and internationally and holds a commitment to move forward together in improving the quality of products, processes and services from time to time.

  • Assist and support Government policies in improving industrial quality through the implementation of appropriate management systems and developing in a sustainable manner.

  • Assist and support consumers in the implementation and development of management systems.

  • Cost savings through increased efficiency thus providing a competitive advantage.

  • Improving the competence of facilities and infrastructure including professional human resources in the field of management systems.

  • Become a partner for business actors to improve quality.

Quality Goals
  • So that every year, the Product Certification Agency and Management System PT. Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi adds accreditation to certification to the scope of products and management systems and the proposed scope.

  • Thorough implementation of established product certification and management systems.

  • Timely execution of all management system plans


Product or Management System certification services carried out by the Certification Institute PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi are intended to create applicant/client confidence in the products they produce that meet the requirements of National Standards (SNI), Management Systems and other requirements that have been determined, and provide consumer protection as well as to increase competitiveness in the domestic market. Every personnel in accordance with their competence at all levels of the organization is obliged to meet the demands for quality of product certification services and management systems, and avoid all forms of pressure, including commercial pressure, which can affect the quality of certification services. Product certification services and the PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi Institute Management System are carried out in accordance with the scope of certification

Tangerang, 1 December 2016
PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi


Vera Marini


PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi committed to carrying out anti-bribery in carrying out its services both in certification, inspection and also controlling the risk of bribery. Please report any fraud, fraud, dishonesty, theft/embezzlement, violations in the process of procuring goods and services, abuse of position/authority, bribery/gratification that occurs at PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi or related to PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi so that it can be followed up immediately. PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi analyzes reports and follows up on violation reports based on the evidence provided and protects the Whistleblower.

This report is made with the support of relevant data and is intended for the benefit of the Company, not intended to force anyone. Reports can be submitted to the Director of PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi or the General Information Section, using the following information:
Mail : csglobalinspeksisertifikasi@gmail.com
Telp : +62 21 50208008
Telp : +62 21 50560008
Fax :+62 21 50208009
Fax :+62 21 50560009
Site web : www.gis-cert.com
Letter : PT. Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi Foresta Business Loft 2 Unit 16, BSD – Indonesia

Whistleblowers must provide their identity when reporting complaints and ensure that any information regarding the identity of the reporting party and the report is kept confidential. Reporting is carried out under the principle of anonymity, confidentiality and independence.


Vera marini

 PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi

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