Product Certification Agency LSPRO

Certificate SNI Product SNI Product SNI Product

is a standard that applies in Indonesia which is one of the determinants of the technical quality or services offered by the company. This standard in Indonesia is the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) which applies nationally in Indonesia. Product certification is important for the Indonesian people because this is an assurance in the form of a written guarantee from an independent third party that a product has met the safety, health and safety requirements of LSPro PT/ Global Inspection Certification has obtained accreditation from KAN for 24 scopes in November 2017 and has obtained reaccreditation in 2021. Several related regulations:

  • Law number 20 of 2014 concerning Standardization and Conformity Assessment.
  • Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 72/M-DAG/PER/9/2015 concerning standardization of trade services and mandatory SNI supervision of traded goods and services.
Product Certification Agency
Other Services
Iso 9001 Quality management system
Iso 45001 K3 Management System
Iso 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System
LSUP Tourism
CHSE Tourism
ISPO Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil System Certification
 PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi

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