
Cleanliness, Health, Safety, dan Environment (CHSE)

Certificate CHSE CHSE CHSE

It is very important in this pandemic era for all industries to implement health protocols, especially in the tourism and accommodation sectors. This is of course consistent with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy's initiative which ensures that tourist attractions must implement it health protocols in accordance with Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Regulation No. 13 of 2020 concerning standards and Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Certification Tourism Sector During the Handling of the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic.
The National Standardization Agency (BSN) cooperates with the Ministry of Tourism and The Economy issues Standard SNI 9042 – 2021 concerning Cleanliness, Health, Environmental Safety and Sustainability ( CHSE) Implementation and Supporting Sites Tourism Activities.
CHSE Certification is a process of granting certification to Tourism Businesses Tourism Destinations and other Tourism Products to provide guarantees to tourists towards the implementation of Cleanliness, Safety and Environmental Sustainability The dimensions of the CHSE certification itself are from Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and or governance, HR readiness, and visitor participation.
The application of SNI 9042:2021 CHSE certification can be carried out by business actors engaged in the following fields:

  • Tourism attraction
  • Hotel
  • Restaurant
  • Spa
  • Cottage
  • Golf Course
  • Recreational Park
  • Venue for Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conferences and Exhibitions
  • Game Arena
  • Place of Tourism Information Center
  • Places to Sell Souvenirs and Souvenirs
  • Tourism Area
  • Tourism Destinations

Some of the benefits of implementing these CHSE guidelines include:

  • Aims to restore tourists' confidence in returning to visit tourist destinations
  • It is hoped that it can help revive tourism actors to be as successful as before
  • Restore the Indonesian economy, especially the tourism sector
  • Realizing an integrated and sustainable recovery of the tourism sector
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