Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil System Certification

Certification ISPO ISPO ISPO

The Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil System (ISPO) is a policy adopted by the Government of Indonesia, in this case the Ministry of Agriculture, with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil in the world market and participating in fulfilling the commitment of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to reduce greenhouse gases and provide attention to environmental problems. Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number 38 of 2020 regarding the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Certification System (ISPO – Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil). PT Global Inspection Certification has obtained accreditation from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) as one of the ISPO Certification Institutions Number : LSISPO-005-IDN ISPO was created in 2009 by the Government of Indonesia to ensure that all palm oil growers meet permissible farming standards.

ISPO Certification Body
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ISPO Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil System Certification
 PT Global Inspeksi Sertifikasi

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